Une fiction historique glaçante et inoubliable, aux confins de l’Antarctique
Churchill described US Army Chief of Staff George C Marshall in 1945 as the 'organizer of victory'. While there is no doubt that the American was a key member of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, it was a team effort. Between December 1941 and August 1945, President Franklin D Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and sometimes Joseph Stalin, met several times to discuss strategy with their Chiefs of Staff. Virtually every policy and strategy was hammered out in the series of high-level meetings, codenamed ARCADIA, CASABLANCA, TRIDENT, ARGONAUT, QUADRANT, SEXTANT, EUREKA, OCTAGON, and TERMINAL. Organizaing Victory shows how the Allied planned World War II, covering everything from the troop deployments and offensives to the locating of post-war boundaries and surrender terms. For the first time these important war conferences are available edited under one cover, complete with background information and analysis.
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Une fiction historique glaçante et inoubliable, aux confins de l’Antarctique
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"On n'est pas dans le futurisme, mais dans un drame bourgeois ou un thriller atmosphérique"
L'auteur se glisse en reporter discret au sein de sa propre famille pour en dresser un portrait d'une humanité forte et fragile