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Tales from English History for Children

Couverture du livre « Tales from English History for Children » de Strickland Agnes aux éditions Culturea
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Culturea
  • EAN : 9791041950188
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

Agnes Strickland's Tales from English History for Children is a collection of historical stories aimed at young readers. Agnes Strickland, a 19th-century British author, was known for her works on English history and biography. Her Tales from English History series was intended to introduce... Voir plus

Agnes Strickland's Tales from English History for Children is a collection of historical stories aimed at young readers. Agnes Strickland, a 19th-century British author, was known for her works on English history and biography. Her Tales from English History series was intended to introduce young readers to key events and figures from British history in an engaging and accessible way.

These stories typically focus on various periods of English history, including the lives of notable monarchs, important battles, and significant events. Strickland's writing style aimed to make history interesting and relatable for children, presenting historical facts and anecdotes in a narrative form that would capture their imagination.

By using storytelling techniques, Strickland sought to make history come alive for young readers, helping them develop an appreciation for their country's past. Her works were part of a broader movement in 19th-century literature to create educational and entertaining literature for children, often referred to as improving literature.

Agnes Strickland's Tales from English History for Children contributed to the educational and literary landscape of its time by making history accessible and enjoyable for young readers, and it remains a valuable resource for those interested in both history and children's literature from the 19th century.

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