"On n'est pas dans le futurisme, mais dans un drame bourgeois ou un thriller atmosphérique"
Anne-Marie Slaughter's hotly anticipated book on work-life balance and gender equality, the leap beyond Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In (sometimes 'if you lean in too far, you will tip over'), and a path forward to the future of our workplaces and lifestyles. When Anne-Marie Slaughter's Atlantic article, 'Why Women Still Can't Have it All', first appeared, it immediately went viral, sparking a firestorm of debate across the country. Within four days, it had become the most-read article in the history of the magazine. In the following months, Slaughter became a leading voice in the nationwide discussion on work-life balance and on women's changing role in the workplace. Now, Slaughter is here with her eagerly anticipated take on the problems we still face, and how we can finally get past them. In her pragmatic, down-to-earth style, Slaughter bursts the bubble on all the 'half-truths' we tell young women about 'having it all', and explains what is really necessary to get true gender equality, both in the workplace and at home. Deeply researched, and filled with all the warm, wise and funny anecdotes that first made her the most trusted and admired voice on the issue, Anne-Marie Slaughter's book is sure to change minds, ignite debate and be the topic of conversation.
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"On n'est pas dans le futurisme, mais dans un drame bourgeois ou un thriller atmosphérique"
L'auteur se glisse en reporter discret au sein de sa propre famille pour en dresser un portrait d'une humanité forte et fragile
Au Rwanda, l'itinéraire d'une femme entre rêve d'idéal et souvenirs destructeurs
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