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Berenice from cappadoce

Couverture du livre « Berenice from cappadoce » de Martins Adriana aux éditions Bookelis
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Bookelis
  • EAN : 9791035976873
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

Berenice is a curious girl who wants to discover the world. After some years, she turns into a phylomath adolescent who never misses a chance to learn. As time goes by, she becomes a self-aware young woman who lives beyond stereotypes. At the end of her life, she ends up being an old wise woman... Voir plus

Berenice is a curious girl who wants to discover the world. After some years, she turns into a phylomath adolescent who never misses a chance to learn. As time goes by, she becomes a self-aware young woman who lives beyond stereotypes. At the end of her life, she ends up being an old wise woman who lived a life full of discovery, full of experience.
You may recognise yourself in her eyes. Because these eyes always want to live freely, to live as if nobody's watching. These eyes are always honest and fearless.
And if you don't like something in her, probably that's a part of yourself. Because what is not part of ourselves does not disturb us.
Discover her beauty, discover your beauty... travel with her... feel her... find out something magical behind the word ''choice''. This word leads Berenice.

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