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Gender in modern english : the system and its uses

Couverture du livre « Gender in modern english : the system and its uses » de Lori Morris aux éditions Presses De L'universite De Laval
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  • Thème : Langues étrangères
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

« In a world where the word 'gender' has undergone an explosion of meaning originating in a proliferation of new pronouns, Lori Morris' study of grammatical gender in English constitutes a much-needed reminder to linguists of the necessity of distinguishing between linguistically signified... Voir plus

« In a world where the word 'gender' has undergone an explosion of meaning originating in a proliferation of new pronouns, Lori Morris' study of grammatical gender in English constitutes a much-needed reminder to linguists of the necessity of distinguishing between linguistically signified meaning and reference. » -Patrick Duffley

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