A gagner : des exemplaires de cette BD jeunesse sur fond de légendes celtiques !
On the island of Kavekana, Kai builds gods to order, then hands them to others to maintain. Her creations aren't conscious and lack their own wills and voices, but they accept sacrifices, and protect their worshippers from other gods-'perfect vehicles for Craftsmen and Craftswomen operating in the divinely controlled Old World. When Kai sees one of her creations dying and tries to save her, she's grievously injured-'then sidelined from the business entirely, her near-suicidal rescue attempt offered up as proof of her instability. But when Kai gets tired of hearing her boss, her coworkers, and her ex-boyfriend call her crazy, and starts digging into the reasons her creations die, she uncovers a conspiracy of silence and fear-'which will crush her, if Kai can't stop it first. Full Fathom Five is the third novel set in Max Gladstone's addictive and compelling fantasy world of Three Parts Dead
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A gagner : des exemplaires de cette BD jeunesse sur fond de légendes celtiques !
L'autrice coréenne nous raconte l'histoire de son pays à travers l’opposition et l’attirance de deux jeunes adolescents que tout oppose
Mêlant la folie à l’amour, l’auteur nous offre le portrait saisissant d’une « femme étrange » bousculant les normes binaires de l’identité sexuelle
Dans ce recueil de 13 nouvelles, la jeune autrice mexicaine frappe fort mais juste